Detecting with the MXT at Sports Fields

Field No. 1:   Hug Baseball diamond

This site is a local High School baseball diamond. The school is not that old, but there is always the hope of finding a school ring. I have not found any school rings here but did find a nice silver girls ring.


I think the soil here is underlain with river gravel, the soil  is about 3-4 inches deep, with pretty much a solid layer of pebbles below that.  This gives a lot of hotrock responses by the MXT, which chatters quite a bit here.  As far as trash, there is some, but it is not excessive. My preferred setting on the MXT is to use the relic mode, alternate mode trigger forward, discrimination setting  at just under 4. The 6x3 DD is preferred over the standard 950 because of its ability to pick coins out between iron junk, foil and hotrocks. Because coins do not sink down too far here (the Mercury dime was found at about 1 inch, and the 4 wheats no deeper than 2 inches), I have only set the gain at about 9.  Because the trash is not excessive, you could use the coin / jewelry program, I just prefer the relic mode for easy hunting in this type of place.


Field No. 2:   Play Field, Mt. Rose Grammar School

This site is also only about 5 minutes from my office, it's an elementary school play field. A number of local kid teams play and practice here. Playground equipment surrounds the field.   There is always some change on the field as the kids play here during the school day as well. My best find here was a little 10K gold ring. You can also always pick up change in the playground eqipment, though if someone has been there inthe weeks before you, it can be pretty slim.
Like most Reno are  locations, the soil  is fairly shallow, averaging only about 3-4 inches deep, with pretty much a solid layer of pebbles below that.  If you turn up the gain too high, you will get a lot of hotrock responses by the MXT, so I keep it down. This school was originally built in 1906, but because the soil is so shallow, its been well cleaned. I am sure it was quite a harvest for the first detectorists to arrive on the scene.   As far as trash, there is some, but it is not excessive. My preferred setting on the MXT is to use the coin mode,  discrimination setting  at just under 3. The standard 950 is fine here because there is not that much trash.




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