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Frequently Asked Gemstone Questions


7. What About Collecting Gemstones?

Is Collecting Valuable Gemstones An Interesting Hobby?

More and more people are getting into collecting unusual gems and jewelry, and there are many reasons to do so. A few will view their gem collections with an eye toward investment, some folks also view their gems as having some properties of healing and enhancement, but most just view them as items of concentrated and lasting beauty, fun to own and wear. While some collectors will keep their gems unset as individual stones, a far greater number will choose to have them set into jewelry they can be worn for special occasions. There's a whole world out there of beautiful but little-known gemstones of which few people know, and many collectors will want to own some of these rare gems.  Custom jewelry can also make for a very special collection, and there are a number of jewelers out there who will take collector gems and produce special pieces upon request.

In order to collect special gemstones and jewelry pieces, it's important to learn more about the gems themselves, and how the jewelry is made.  By understanding these things too much greater degree, the collector can participate in the jewelry design process and influence the custom jewelry which they own.  Increased knowledge also leads to increased appreciation of the beauty and rarity of these gems, and the jewelry in which they reside. Many gemstone and jewelry collectors will choose to focus on a certain favorite stone or group of stones.



It is often assumed that putting together a collection of gems and jewelry is a very high dollar and expensive proposition, but the truth is that it can be done on a budget.  However, not all types of special gems are expensive, and there's no specific requirement that a jewelry collector amass a huge number of pieces or purchase a large number of expensive custom pieces in a short period of time.  Some collectors have only a limited number of very nice pieces which they save for and plan for, so that the small collection still has the same kind of special sentimental value as a much larger collection might.

If you appreciate the beauty of fine jewelry or unusual gems, and are interested in the origins and characteristics of the gems mounted in that jewelry, and you wish to learn more about the topic, then you may well be a candidate to become a jewelry collector.  This website offers a considerable amount of information about gemstones, their origins, how jewelry is made and the gems which are set into that beautiful custom jewelry.



Nevada Outback Gems

Find out more by checking out all of our links below:
Our Free Colored Gemstone Information Encyclopedia Amethyst and Citrine info Aquamarine information
What Really Is A Gemstone? Apatite information Chrysoberyl information
How are Gemstones Mined? Diamond information Emerald information
What About a Gemstone Makes it so Valuable? Garnet information Morganite information
What About Investing in Gemstones? Opal information Peridot information
Nevada Outback Library and Bookstore - Learn more! Ruby information Sapphire information
The Rockhound's Corner for Gem Hunting Spinel information Oregon Sunstone info
Take a virtual tour of our Nevada Turquoise mines Tanzanite information Topaz information
Rare Crystals and Gemstone Rough, including Turquoise Tourmaline information Tsavorite information
Natural Gold Nugget Photos: Big Nuggets, Crystal Gold Turquoise information Zircon information
Chris' Gold Prospecting Encyclopedia Nevada Outback Gems Homepage Nevada Outback Gems Site Map