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. Barite Mineral Facts: Chemical
Formula: BaSO4 Colors: Colorless to white, and light shades of blue, yellow, red.
Hardness: 3.0 Density: 4.5 (which is heavy for a nonmetallic mineral). Cleavage: Perfect cleavage parallel to base and prism faces. Crystallography:
Orthorhombic Luster:. Vitreous luster; pearly at times on base. Transparent to opaque, and its streak is white.
Optics: (Refractive Index) =
a = 1.636; b
= 1.637; y = 1.648 |
Barite (yellow / orange) with Fluorite and Calcite |
Barite is a common mineral of wide distribution. It occurs usually as a gangue mineral in metallic veins, associated especially with ores of silver, lead, copper, cobalt, manganese and antimony. Sometimes in veins in limestone with calcite and celestite or in sandstone with copper ores. At times acts as a cement in sandstone. Deposited occasionally as a sinter by waters from hot springs. Notable localities for the occurrence of crystalline barite are in Westmorland, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire, and Surrey, England; Felsobanya and other localities, Hungary; in Saxony and Bohemia. In the United States at Cheshire, Connecticut; De Kalb, New York; Fort Wallace, New Mexico. Massive barite, occurring usually as veins, nests and irregular bodies in limestones, has been quarried in the United States in Nevada, Connecticut, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. Identification
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Please note that the author, Chris Ralph, retains all copyrights to this entire document and it may not be reproduced, quoted or copied without permission.