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. Dioptase Mineral Facts:
Chemical Formula:
CuSiO2(OH)2 Colors: Emerald-green or blackish green color, and a green streak. Hardness: 5 Density: 3.2 to 3.35 Cleavage: Rhombohedral, perfect three directional cleavage.
Luster:. Vitreous, transparent to translucent.
(Refractive Index) w=1.6580, |
. It is commonly associated with other secondary copper minerals, including chrysocolla, malachite, azurite and native copper. Other associated minerals include the primary vein materials like quartz and calcite.
Identification and Diagnostics |
Localities and Origins: The mineral occurs in druses on quartz in clefts in limestone, and in gold bearing placers in the Altyn-Tiibe Mt. near the Altyn Ssu River, in Siberia; in crystals on wulfenite and calamine and embedded in clay near Rezbanya, Hungary; with quartz and chrysocolla in the Mindonli Mine, Congo; in copper mines at Capiapo, Chile; and in Peru. The finest specimens on earth were found at the Tsumeb Mine in Tsumeb, Namibia. Dioptase specimens from Tsumeb are wonderfully lustrous and transparent, with its crystal often perched on an attractive snow-white carbonate matrix. In the deserts of the southwestern US, dioptase has been mined at the Bon Ton Mines, Graham Co., Arizona; and near Riverside, Pinal Co., in the same State. In the Bon Ton Mines it covers the walls of cavities in the ore, which consists of a mixture of limonite and copper oxides. A notable occurrence is the old Mammoth-Saint Anthony Mine near Mammoth, Arizona where small crystals that make fine specimens for collectors. In addition, many small, pale-green colored crystals of dioptase have been recovered from the Christmas Mine near Hayden, Arizona. Return to the Mineral Collectors Information Page |
Please note that the author, Chris Ralph, retains all copyrights to this entire document and it may not be reproduced, quoted or copied without permission.