MANGANITE MINERAL FACTS Nevada Turquoise gem stones
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Manganite Mineral Facts:

Chemical Formula: (MnO)OH
In addition to the basic manganese oxide constituents, the mineral commonly contains also some iron, magnesium, calcium and often traces of other metals.

Colors: Steel gray to iron-black, frequently iridescent.
The streak is dark
reddish brown to nearly black.

Hardness: 4  

Density: 4.3

Cleavage: The cleavage is perfect parallel to (010) on (110) and (001) the cleavage is good

Crystallography:Monoclinic; Psudo-Orthorhombic
Habit of crystals is Manganite usually occurs in groups of black columnar or prismatic crystals and in stalactites. The prismatic surfaces are deeply striated vertically and the crystals are often in bundles with obtuse terminations. It is also frequently found in fiberous and massive forms.

Luster:. submetallic luster.
It is usually opaque but in very thin splinters it is sometimes red-brown by transmitted light.

Manganite Manganese ore

Manganite Manganese ore

Composition, Structure and Associated Minerals:
Manganite commonly occurs with other manganese oxides in secondary deposits formed by circulating meteoric water where manganese has been leached by weathering in environments of clays and laterites. It also forms by low temperature hydrothermal action in metal bearing veins in association with calcite, barite, and siderite. It is often associated with pyrolusite, braunite, hausmannite and goethite. The mineral is a nonconductor of electricity.

Identification and Diagnostics
Manganite is infusible in the blowpipe flame, yields water in the closed tube and colors the borax bead amethyst in the oxidizing flame of the blowpipe (test for manganese). The borax bead test is the same as for pyrolusite. In the reducing flame, upon long-continued heating, this color disappears. The mineral dissolves in hydrochloric acid with the evolution of chlorine. It is distinguished from other manganese minerals by its hardness and crystallization. By loss of water manganite passes readily into pyrolusite (MnO2). It also readily alters into other manganese compounds. Manganite is dentified chiefly by its black color, prismatic crystals, hardness (4) and brown streak. The last two will serve to distinguish it from pyrolusite.

Occurrence, Localities and Origin.
Found in connection with pyrolusite and other manganese minerals and with iron oxides.  Manganite occurs both in veins in old volcanic rocks, and also in limestone. It is found at Ilfeld in the Harz; at Ilmenau in Thuringia, and at Langban in Sweden, in handsome crystals. In the United States it occurs at the Jackson and the Lucie iron mines, Negaunee, Michigan, and in Douglas County, Colorado. It is also abundant at various places m New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In all cases it is a residual product of the weathering of manganese compounds. It is a minor manganese ore mineral. Manganite is used in the production of manganese compounds. As mined, it is usually mixed with pyrolusite, this being the most important portion of the mixture.

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Please note that the author, Chris Ralph, retains all copyrights to this entire document and it may not be reproduced, quoted or copied without permission.

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