The Gem and Mineral Collector's Photo Gallery by Nevada Outback |
. Celestite Mineral Facts:
Chemical Formula: SrSO4
Colors: Colorless or White when pure, sometimes faintly blue or red. Hardness: 3.0 to 3.5 Density: 3.95 to 3.97 Cleavage: Perfect basal cleavage and an almost perfect parallel to 010.
Crystallography: Orthorhombic Luster:. Vitreous, transparent to translucent. Optics: (Refractive Index) a = 1.6220; y = 1.6237 |
. The mineral is commonly associated with calcite, dolomite, gypsum, halite, sulphur, etc. Celestite often contains small quantities of the isomorphous Ca and Ba compounds. The name is derived from the Greek word celestis in allusion to the faint blue color often present. |
Identification and Diagnostics
Localities and Origins: Although the mineral occurs in large quantities at a number of places in the United States and Canada, it is not commonly mined as there is only limited demand for the material. It is one of the chief ores of the metal strontium. A small quantity of the strontium oxide is annually imported. Strontium salts, prepared from celestite in part, are used in the preparation of nitrate of strontium for fireworks. Other strontium salts used in the refining of sugar. Strontium metal is used in some aluminum and magnesium alloys. Radioactive strontium 90 is used in the treatment of some cancers. Return to the Mineral Collectors Information Page |
Please note that the author, Chris Ralph, retains all copyrights to this entire document and it may not be reproduced, quoted or copied without permission.