Mines of Santa Cruz County, Part VI
ORO BLANCO DISTRICT The quartz ledges are all strong and well defined, and in some parts of the region they are close and frequent. Gold and silver ore predominate, but copper is becoming manifest. In remote geologic time some great seismic disturbance rent, shattered and pulverized the rocks in all directions, and the interstices offered precipitation surfaces for the vaporous solutions rising from the depths, which, cooling, precipitated and converted into the metallic ores that are found. Near the international line there is a deposit of granite. In the southeastern part of the district there have been found extensive beds of potassium and potash. Oil-bearing shale is in evidence also. It is found near the camp of the Progressive Mining Company, springs of water showing oil float upon their surfaces. Whether the shale is an anticline or syncline has not been investigated. But if it is ever found to be a syncline, boring to the bend of the up tilted strata would produce oil, in paying quantities probably. |
The principal mined of the area are the Austerlitz, Switzerland, Ragnaros, Oro, Old Glory, Oro Blanco, Tres Amigos, Triangle, Warsaw, Franco-American, Grubstake, Yellow Jacket, Montana, Portland, etc. In some of them are extensive development with exposure of large and valuable ore bodies. In the early history of recent operations, thirty years ago or more, there were erected several quartz mills, but the processes seemed poorly adapted to the character of the ores, and they fell short in saving the values. All can be made to pay handsomely by installation of more modern and efficient extraction processes. The Oro Blanco Mine is said to have blocked out and ready for stoping many thousand tons of gold ore that can be made to pay well. Its owner is a banker in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The Old Glory shows above ground on one side a great gold-bearing ledge that is exposed to a height of 100 feet and a length of several hundred. From the ledge, which is about forty feet in width, gold-bearing rock has been quarried and sent down to the mill below. The mine has also considerable underground development. |
AUSTERLITZ MINE In the extreme northwest corner of the Oro Blanco District is the Yellow Jacket mine, a gold producing property with a 10-stamp mill. It has lain idle twenty-one years, but recently work has been resumed by Mr. W. N. Gourley, of Philadelphia, whose deceased father's estate holds the title. The foregoing pages serve to give some idea of the mines and mineral resources of Santa Cruz County. They are great and inexhaustible. To appreciate them investigation is necessary, which is invited.
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