Mines of Santa Cruz County, Part II
NOGALES MINING DISTRICT The mineralized area in the district is upon the slopes of Mount Benedict, and chiefly they are native gold bearing, although silver, lead and tungsten ore have been found. The formation is quartz monzonite with intrusions of diorite, aplite, granite porphyry, etc., with which most of the mineral deposits are" associated. Near the Santa Cruz River there are placer beds from which some gold has been recovered. In the workings near the surface of some of the ledges the gold ore is said to have been very rich, but it was in small quantities. One shipment from the Dura Mine, sent to the Selby smelter, in California, is said to have yielded thirty-five ounces gold per ton; three carloads shipped in 1903 averaged $600 gold to the car. In 1895 a prospector named Lichliter shipped eighty tons which averaged $50 gold per ton. At a little depth the veins seem to pinch out, but the geological indications are that if followed down they will widen again, and become productive once more. So far as competent observers have given attention the ore occurrences are in lenticular form, and the surface openings were the lower sections of a series of lenses that had been cut down with erosion of the surrounding region. The principal properties are the Dura, Uncle Sam, Lion, Columbia, Float Gold and Reagan Mines. Near Guevavi, the site of one of the old Jesuit Missions, described hereinbefore, the Float Gold Amalgamating Company has a small stamp mill that was operated with considerable success in 1913. In the Reagan property there has been developed a deposit of wolframite and scheelite a shipment of which ores yielded about 50 per cent tungsten acid. |
PATAGONIA DISTRICT The district includes about forty promising groups of mines and mining camps, while the number of good claims and prospects runs up into the hundreds. Some of them are good producers now, and many have great records of production in former years. Among them may be mentioned the mines at Duquesne and Washington Camp, the Four Metals properties of the Red Mountain Copper Company, the Mowry Mines, Gross Group, Morning Glory, Old Soldier, Good View Mines (formerly Buena Vista), Santo Nino, Proto Group, Gladstone Mines, National Havelena, Creston, Skibo Development Company's properties, Golden Rose, Providencia, and many more. |
MOWRY MINES The four metals mines are located about three miles southwest of Mowry, on the west side of the main crest of the Patagonia Mountains, is one of the properties mentioned earlier in this account as a remarkable presentation of a large, low grade copper deposit. This location will pay handsomely if worked on an extensive scale, with a great reduction plant, automatic in operation, handling low grade copper ore in quantity. It has been explored by a series of tunnels, three in number, with their various drifts, crosscuts, winzes, etc., aggregating more than a mile of work, proving to a depth of 600 feet below the croppings an extensive ore body that has been penetrated several hundred feet in all directions without reaching the utmost limits. There is in the gulch below a fourth tunnel site which will be developed shortly, giving a couple hundred feet more of "backs." Below that development will have to be by winzes, and there is no doubt that with the water level reached the character of the ores will change to copper sulfides, and very likely it will be found higher in grade. In fact, present development shows more copper in the ore in the lowest tunnel than in that in either of the others, and between those two the same rule prevails. The copper bearing rock is a rhyolitic porphyry, ground and crushed, with highly comminuted particles of chalcocite, chalcopyrite and pyrite disseminated throughout the mass. It is very friable, easily pulverized and concentrated, the concentrates going about one ton from sixteen tons of ore. As the rock in the lowest tunnel goes about 3 per cent copper, it shows that concentration will give a high-grade product. The Red Mountain Copper Company, owning and operating the property, is working conservatively, exploring the ore body and demonstrating daily its greater size and capacity for production, until such time as the need for a great reduction plant is proved, when one will be provided.
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