In the U.S.A., lead ore was obtained principally from the States of Missouri, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Colorado. In the south-eastern district of Missouri, galena occurs in the form of extensive impregnations in limestones of Ordovician age. Sandstones occur in the formation, but these contain no ore. The ore is remarkable for the fact that it contains practically no zinc minerals. It contains on the average about 7 per cent, of galena, and can be dressed by jigs to yield a product containing from 60 to 70 per cent, of the mineral.

In south-west Missouri, Joplin is the most important locality. Here the ore-bodies are sometimes several hundred feet thick, and the ore is found as veins or as breccia-cement in limestones of Lower Carboniferous age. The chief ore mineral is sphalerite, which is cadmium bearing, but galena also is found in abundance. The lead zinc ores of northern Arkansas may be referred to along with those of Missouri. They occur in limestones of Ordovician and Carboniferous age, partly in veins, and partly in breccias or in a disseminated condition; the chief ore minerals are galena and sphalerite, embedded in a gangue of calcite, dolomite, barite, and chert. The lead and zinc ores of the Missouri region are supposed to have arisen by a process of slow concentration of lead and zinc sulfides from the limestones, through which they are disseminated in small amounts. The operation was probably effected by the oxidation of disseminated sulfides to sulfates, their transportation in solution, and their re-precipitation as sulfides under the reducing influence of the organic matter in the limestones. Shale beds are supposed to have played an important part in the deposition of the ores, by arresting the circulation of the solutions prior to precipitation. Important deposits of argentiferous lead ore are mined at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, where the geological formations consist of folded sandstones, slates, and quartzite. The ore occurs in veins. The chief ore mineral is argentiferous galena, and this is associated with siderite, quartz, and sphalerite. The workable ore-bodies contain from 5 to 25 percent of lead, and from 7 to 10 ounces of silver per ton.



Large deposits of argentiferous lead ore are found in the Tintic district of Utah, in the folded Palaeozoic limestones and associated Tertiary igneous rocks of that area. The chief ore mineral is argentiferous galena, associated with sphalerite, pyrite, enargite, barite, and quartz. Other important deposits of argentiferous lead ore in the U.S.A. are those of the Leadville district of south-central Colorado. The sedimentary rocks of the region are of Palaeozoic age and include thick beds of Carboniferous limestone. These sediments are traversed by dikes of porphyry and are extensively interbedded with igneous rocks of the same type. These porphyries are connected with the plutonic masses of granite that underlie the region. The rocks are extensively folded and faulted as a consequence of the late-Cretaceous earth-movements which produced the Rocky Mountains, and these earth-movements are supposed to have had some influence in stimulating the deposition of the ores. The ore-bodies occur frequently beneath the sills of porphyry where these are in contact with the Carboniferous limestone. The chief ore mineral is argentiferous galena, associated with calcite, barite, chert, and native gold; but in the weathering zone, cerussite and anglesite are abundant, associated with limonite and cerargyrite (silver chloride)
NEW MEXICO: The Kelley Lode. Oxidized lead ores, with some sphalerite, calamine, forming a contact deposit between slates and porphyry. The ore body is in the Magdalena Mountains, thirty miles west of Socorro, and has supplied the Billings smelter at that point. Numerous other ore bodies along the contact between sedimentary and eruptive rocks occur in the same region. Lake Valley. Farther south in Dona Ana County, the mines of Lake Valley have been worked upon deposits very closely analogous to those of Leadville, Colorado. They contain less lead, hardly enough, in fact, to be classed as lead-silver ores, according to the recent valuable paper of Ellis Clark, although earlier descriptions place greater emphasis on the presence of carbonates of this metal. According to Clark, the geological section involved includes quartzite and limestone, considered Silurian, 600 feet; Lower Carboniferous, black shale, 100 feet; green shale, 60 feet; nodular limestone, 48 feet; blue limestone, 24 feet; crinoidal limestone, 125 feet, and overlying limestone, 50 feet; about 1,000 feet in all. These are penetrated by four distinct eruptions of igneous rocks, hornblende-andesite, rhyolite, obsidian and porphyrite. The obsidian is comparatively unimportant, and of the others the porphyrite is most intimately associated with the ore. The ore bodies are always connected with the blue limestone, and lie along the contact of this, either with the porphyrite or the overlying crinoidal limestone. They are in the nature of large chutes or elongated contact deposits, very similar, as the figure will indicate, to those at Leadville. The ores are of several varieties but the general components, in addition to the silver, are silica, oxides of iron and manganese, limestone, some galena at times, and some zinc. The varying percentages of the silica and bases afford basic, neutral and siliceous ores. In the bonanza called the Bridal Chamber, great masses of horn-silver were found. Many ores, and interesting metals, such as vanadinite, descloizite, etc., have made the district well known to mineral collectors. Some favor the view that the leaching of the porphyrite (which is argentiferous) during its exposure and erosion, by descending surface waters, has been the source of the ore. An earlier view attributed it to uprising currents.
COLORADO:  Leadville. Bodies of oxidized lead silver ores, passing in depth into sulphides, deposited in much faulted Carboniferous limestone, in connection with dikes and sheets of porphyry. Leadville is situated in a valley which is formed by the head waters of the Arkansas River. The valley runs north and south, being confined below by the closing in of the hills at the town of Granite. It is about twenty miles long and sixteen broad, and even to superficial observation is seen to he the dried bottom of a former lake. The mountains on the east form the Mosquito range, a part of the great Park Range, while those on the west are the Sawatch, and constitute the Continental Divide at this point. Leadville itself is on the easterly side, upon some foothills of the Mosquito range. The eastern slope of the Mosquito range rises quite gradually from the South Park to a general height of 13.000 feet. The range then forms a very abrupt crest, with steep slopes looking westward, which are due to a series of north and south faults whose easterly sides have been heaved upward as much as 7,500 feet. The faults pass into anticlines along their strike. The Mosquito Range consists of crystalline Archean rocks, foliated granites, gneisses, and amphibolites, and of over 5,000 feet of Paleozoic sediments and igneous rocks. The former include Cambrian quartzite, 150 to 200 feet; Silurian white limestone, 160 feet, and quartzite, 40 feet; Carboniferous blue limestone, 200 feet (the chief ore-bearing stratum) ; Weber shales and sandstones, 2,000 feet; and Upper Carboniferous limestones, 1,000 to 1,500 feet. The igneous rocks are generally porphyries. The sedimentary rocks were laid down in Paleozoic time on the shores of the Archean Sawatch Island, and were penetrated by the igneous rocks, probably at the close of the Cretaceous. They were all upheaved, folded, and faulted in the general elevation of the Rocky Mountains, about the beginning of the Tertiary period. The intrusion of the igneous rocks was the prime mover in starting ore deposition, and the solutions favored the under sides of the sheets, along their contacts with the blue Carboniferous limestone. The early history of Leadville will be subsequently referred to in speaking of auriferous gravels. The lead-silver ores first became prominent in 1877, although discovered in 1874, and by 1880 the development was enormous. The region grew at once to be the largest single producer of these ores, and has remained such ever since. The mines are situated east of the city on the three low hills, Fryer, Carbonate and Iron, but recently a deep shaft in the city itself has found the extension of the ore chutes and opened up great future supplies. The ores have chiefly come in the past from the upper oxidized portions of the deposits. Of late years, however, the older and deeper workings have been showing the unchanged sulfides.



The ores are chiefly earthy carbonate of lead, with chloride of silver, in a clayey or siliceous mass of hydrated oxides of iron (limonite) and manganese. In the Robert E. Lee mine silver chloride occurred without lead. Some zinc is also found, and a long list of rare minerals. Where the ore is in a hard, siliceous, limonite gangue it is called hard carbonate, but where it is sandy and incoherent it forms a soft carbonate, or sand carbonate. All the older mines produce small amounts of gold, but in some newer developments the gold is of more importance than the silver. A few ore bodies are found at other horizons than the Carboniferous. They also run in instances as much as 100 feet from the contact, and may likewise be found in the porphyry, doubtless replacing included limestone. They were all deposited as sulphides, and, according to Emmons, when the rocks were at least 10,000 feet below the surface. In 1891 and 1892 great interest centered in the discovery and development of gold ore bodies, whose values in gold much exceeded those in silver, and which were situated further east from the city of Leadville than the older silver mines. The gold output has now proved very considerable, although limited to but few mines. The geological associations are much the same as in the older workings, and indeed the gold ores occur on the extended lines of the older chutes, when projected to the eastward.
UTAH:  In Bingham and Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons, bedded veins, often of great size, containing oxidized lead-silver ores above and galena and pyrite below the water level, in Carboniferous limestones, or underlying quartzite, or on the contact between the two. The mines are situated in the Oquirrhand Wasatch Mountains, southwest and southeast of Salt Lake City, in canons well up toward the summits. The region is much disturbed, and there are great faults and porphyry dikes and knobs of granite associated with the sedimentary rocks. The ores occur in belts, extending considerable distances, and these in places have the rich chutes or chimneys of oxidized products. In Bingham Canyon an immense bed of auriferous quartz is found, overlying the lead zone and next the hanging. Some peculiarity about the gold prevents its easy treatment, but much of the rock is very low grade. Recently very extensive deposits of copper ore have been found in the Highland Boy. Other fissure veins in the massive rock of the region are known, but are of less importance. The mines were the occasion of the first development of the lead-silver smelters in the West, and have made Salt Lake City an important center of the industry. The Telegraph group, the Emma, Flagstaff, and others were famous mines in their day. As will appear, nearly all the Utah mines are productive of lead silver ores.
NEVADA: At Eureka, Nevada, bodies of oxidized lead silver ores in much faulted and fractured Cambrian limestone, with great outbreaks of eruptive rocks near. The Eureka geological section is one of the most interesting in the entire country, and involves some 30,000 feet of Paleozoic strata, divided as follows: Cambrian quartzite. limestone, and shale, 7,700 feet; Silurian limestone and quarztite, 5,000 feet; Devonian limestone and shale, 8,000 feet; Carboniferous quartzite, limestone, and conglomerate, 9,300 feet. These have afforded some extremely valuable materials for comparative studies with homotaxial strata in the East. The ore occurs especially in what is called the Prospect Mountain limestone of the Cambrian, one smaller deposit being also known in Silurian quartzite. The limestone has been crushed and shattered along a great fault, and through its substance ore solutions have circulated, replacing it in part with large bodies of sulphides which have afterward become oxidized to a depth of 1.000 feet. The ore bodies were puzzling as regards their classification, and a famous mining suit, with many interpretations from various experts, resulted. The alteration of the ore has caused shrinkage, and the formation of apparent caves over it. But there are many empty caves, formed by surface waters long after the ore was deposited, and J. S. Curtis very clearly shows that the ore bodies originated by replacement. All are connected with more or less strongly marked fissures which formed the conduits. Mr. Curtis made a careful series of assays of the neighboring igneous rocks to find some indication of the source of the ore. A quartz porphyry gave significant results, and to this the metals are referred, the portions of the mass at a great depth are considered to have furnished them. Eureka was one of the first places in this country where the hypothesis of replacement was applied to ores in limestone. The district is now far less productive than they once were.

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