This district, embracing Groom's Creek and Crook Canon, lies immediately
south of Prescott. The Big Bug and Turkey Creek Districts bound it on the
east, and the Walnut Grove on the south. It has an abundance of wood and
water. The general formation is
limestone and
granite Most of the veins are
gold quartz, many, however, carry argentiferous
galena and other sulfides, which require smelting; these are
the widest. The veins in this section are generally narrow, but they carry
very high-grade ores. More good custom mills would certainly prove
remunerative, as most of the ores have now to be worked by
arrastras, or be closely assorted and hauled a long distance,
besides, many of the veins are so narrow that they do not warrant the
erection of machinery for their special reduction.
The Victorine is a gold
silver ore mine, the rock of which is high-grade, and is
being worked by an arastra. The Wakefield, owned by Hutchins & Behm, is also
worked by an arastra. The ore pays eighty dollars per ton. The Palace,
Curtis, Black Hawk, Berry and Gray Eagle are being prospected and promise
well. The Minnehaha, owned by C. A. Behm, has produced very high grade
gold ore. The Providence is an extension of the Minnehaha,
owned by Hutchins & Co., which has given good prospects in
cerargyrite horn silver and green chlorides. On the Benjamin
considerable work has been done ; some selected ores from this mine were
sent to San Francisco, and yielded from $300 to $1,500 per ton. The Governor
Fremont, owned by Fred Williams, is reducing pay ore by means of an arastra.
The Canadian was opened several years since, and has been worked to a
considerable extent. Some ore from this mine shipped to San Francisco,
yielded $500 per ton. The Nevada, Adel, Happy Boy, and What Cheer, have all
produced high-grade ores. The Lone Star has now on the dump 100 tons of good
ore. Four steam arastras have recently been erected by the Jersey Mining
Company, which are now reducing ore from the Harter mine. The Crook Canon
mine, owned by W. M. Buffum, has been steadily worked since 1874. It has a
shaft down 210 feet, and a good ten
stamp mill. The Consolidated Bodie has a good vein of smelting ore,
from four to ten feet in width. The company is about to erect a smelter. |
See Santa Rita Placers.
See Gold Mountain.
Twenty miles southwest of Tombstone, embracing what is known as the
Hartford District, contains innumerable ledges of gold, silver, and copper,
from their base to the tops of the loftiest peaks, nine thousand feet above
the level of the sea. The first discoveries may be said to have been made in
1878, when the Wisconsin, Undine, I X L, and other claims were located.
Since that time considerable prospecting has been done, resulting in the
discovery of silver ores assaying as high as $600 to the ton; also
copper ore assaying as high as 65 percent metal. Quartz ledges have
also been found in Mormon Canon, Dublin Canon, and other places, showing
considerable free gold ore. The formation is principally lime-stone and
porphyry; ores, galena and carbonates. In Montezuma Canon several locations
have recently been purchased by the Neptune Mining Company, of New York, who
are now erecting extensive smelting works at Hereford, on the San Pedro
River, for the reduction of their ores. Timber of different kinds, including
pine, oak, ash, walnut, maple, hemlock, and mesquite, is abundant, and on
the east side of the mountain some wild black cherry trees are to be found.
A large quantity of lumber and timber for building and mining purposes is
transported to Tombstone. Water is plentiful, and rivals in excellence that
of the Sierra Nevada. The scenery in this section is magnificent, and the
climate unsurpassed, there being no great extremes of heat or cold.
This district is situated in the central part of the county, embracing
within its limits a large portion of the Cerbat Range, which contains
innumerable ledges of gold, silver, and lead, some of which have yielded
very high-grade ore. This section was prospected as early as 1857, but the
Indians were then so hostile as to prevent mining operations from being
carried on to any great extent. Some years later, when the savages had been
partially subdued, prospecting was resumed, resulting in the discovery of
very rich ledges of gold ore and silver. Many locations were then made, and
several mills for the reduction of ores erected. Among the prominent mines
discovered and worked at that time may be mentioned the American Flag, New
York, Mocking Bird, Fontenoy, and Metallic Accident, which yielded silver
ore assaying from $100 to $500 per ton. Up to this time there have been
about 2,800 locations made in the district; but the section being so
isolated from the rest of the world has greatly retarded mining operations,
and at present but little work is going on. With the advent of the Atlantic
and Pacific Railroad, which is now fast approaching, this section will no
doubt rival many others in the Territory in the production of gold and
silver. The climate' is exceedingly pleasant and healthful, and sufficient
wood and water can be obtained for mining purposes.
Humbug is in the extreme southern part of the county, bounded on the
north by the Tiger and Pine Grove Districts, and on the west by the Weaver
District. The Humbug and Cottonwood Creeks run through it. The Tip Top
Mining Company's property consists of 4,500 feet on the Tip Top ledge, and
1,500 feet on the Foy ledge. The Foy ledge has been prospected to thedepth
of 120 feet. The shaft on the Tip Top. is now down 550 feet. Five levels
have been opened and worked. The vein of ore is narrow, which makes the mine
expensive, a large force being required to keep a ten-stamp mill supplied
with ore. The silver ores are chlorides, black
argentite sulfides, horn silver,
ruby silver and
native silver. The average value of the ore is $227 per ton.
The mine has produced $1,100,000. Its stockholders have been assessed
$170,000. The company has a White & Howell roaster and a ten-stamp dry
crushing mill, located at Gillette, eight miles from the mine. The ore in
the lowest level is said to be equal to any heretofore extracted. |
The Virginia, Nos. 1, 2, 3
and 4 is a silver location, owned by Messrs. Rodenburg, Suhr and others. On
No. 2 a shaft has been sunk 147 feet and several drifts run. The vein is
three and a half feet. Ten tons of assorted ores were recently shipped to
San Francisco, which yielded $1,187.57 per ton. At the deepest point the ore
is said to be improving. The Cross Cut, owned by Marks, Hutchinson & Thorn,
has a shaft down 100 feet, and several cross cuts. The vein runs at right
angles to the general direction in the district. It is from four to fourteen
feet, and gives average assays of eighty-four dollars per ton. The Nevada,
owned by the same parties, is a narrow vein, from five to fifteen inches, of
very high-grade ore. A shipment from this vein sold in San Francisco for
$1,575 per ton. The 76 is a silver mine, located a half mile east of Tip
Top, which is being worked through three tunnels. The vein is from three
inches to three feet in width. It works $300 per ton. The Isabella, owned by
Fisher & Carpenter, has a four-foot vein. A lot of this ore worked $300 per
ton. The Rescue has just worked thirty tons of ore in the Tip Top mill,
which gave $316 per ton. The Red Bird and Silver Jack, owned by Messrs.
Vernon & Co., both produce high grade ores. The Swilling has milled ores
which returned $400 per ton.
This district is located in the northern portion of the county, about
twenty miles northeast of Ehrenberg. It was organized several years since,
upon the discovery of rich placer diggings in this section, from which a
large amount of
native gold was extracted. Its remoteness from places where
supplies can be obtained, and the scarcity of water for mining purposes has
caused a suspension of operations for the present, but when by the means of
railroad communication, this region becomes more accessible, no doubt mining
operations will be resumed.
This district, located in Cave Creek Basin, in the northern portion of
the county, was organized in 1881. It contains the Red Rover, and other
locations where excellent prospects have been obtained. The ledges are
remarkable for their width and the prominence of their croppings. Quite a
number of locations have been made, upon some of which work is being
vigorously prosecuted. The veins carry copper and silver ore.
This is a large district, in the southwestern portion of the county in
which at present, but very little work is being done. It embraces the head
waters of Date Creek/ and also Date Creek Mountains. In it are ledges of
gold, silver and copper, and also
gold nugget placer diggings. The Mayflower, Cumberland, and
Arizona Miner are silver ledges, from which ore giving good assays have been
obtained. Some ledges containing rich copper ore, have also been found.
This district is located in the central portion of the county, between
the Hualapai District and the line of Yapavai county. It embraces within its
limits, the Peacock Mountains, which are said to contain numerous ledges of
good silver ore. In it is the Hackberry mine, which some years since yielded
considerable rich ore. A ten-stamp mill has been erected on this property,
but it is now lying idle. The inaccessibility of this region, and greater
attractions elsewhere, has caused an almost entire suspension of mining
operations at present. Wood and water for mining purposes are abundant.
This district is situated in the southern portion of the county, near the
Gila River. The first locations were made in 1875, by D. G. Chilson. The
general formation of rock is porphyritic
slate. The ores are chlorides of horn silver, carrying gold, with
silver predominating. They are generally of low-grade, but still it is
believed that they can be milled at a profit. The Mineral Creek Mining
Company have sunk a shaft eighty feet on their mine, and have a five-stamp
mill partly erected. Good copper ore has been found in this section, and the
Pinal Copper Mining Company has erected smelting works at Riverside for the
reduction of ores from their mine. The Keystone Company has also found good
copper ore, and are developing their ground.
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