Arizona Mining Districts, Part VI
The mine paid its way from the start, high grade ores being selected and sent at great expense to San Francisco for reduction. Up to January, 1880, the mine had paid in dividends $710,000. From May 5th, 1877, to December 31st, 1879, the product was $819,141.58. The dividends for the same period were $450,000. In the upper levels of the mine the ore was free milling; but as the mine attains greater depth the ore becomes rebellious, and that from the lower levels has now to be worked by the lixiviation process. The ore is some of great variety—native silver, silver copper glance, tetrahedrite, green, brown, and black sphalerite, bornite peacock copper ore, galena, chalcopyrite and iron pyrite. The gangue is heavy spar quartz and porphyry. The lowest level is now, January, 1881, 408 feet. The vein here has been worked from the hanging wall 36 feet in width, and it is said the foot wall has not been reached. On the 350-foot level the vein is 56 feet wide. It is said that no level has yet been exhausted. The main shaft is now down over 700 feet. In January, 1881, the superintendent reports 2,000 tons of ore on the dump, which will work $200 per ton. The receipts for the year ending December 31st, 1880, were $586,886.68 ; expenses during the same period, $352,234.18 ; dividends, $75,000; cash on hand, December 31st, 1880, $159,652.50. The Windsor Mining Co. own several locations, among which are the Last Chance, Copper Top, and Mountain View. These properties have all been developed to a considerable extent, and are yielding a large quantity of rich ore. The company has a five-stamp mill and furnace at Pinal City for the reduction of their ores, the yield from which adds materially to the stream, of bullion which is now flowing from this district. L. Elmore is Superintendent. The Wide Awake Mining Co. own the Gem, a gold mine which has a four-foot ledge carrying high-grade gold ore. This company have a ten-stamp mill on Queen Creek, near their tunnel. All the machinery is new, of the latest improved pattern, and will work about 18 tons of rock per day. It is said the ore will average about $45 per ton, and that it costs about $6 per ton for mining and milling. A. Showers is Superintendent. The Alice Bell Mine, situated about two miles from Silver King, is developed by a shaft over 100 feet in depth, from which several cross-cuts have been run. Ore of a very high grade has been found, resembling in many respects that of the Silver King. Good hoisting works have been erected, and the mine is being energetically worked. The Eastland Mining Co. owns the Tilden Mine, which adjoins the Silver King on the east. They have erected extensive hoisting works and are sinking a two-compartment shaft, which is now over 100 feet in depth, and progressing at a rate of about four feet a day. The engine is forty-horse power. The Pike mine is situated about half a mile north of the Silver King. It is developed to a considerable extent, and is yielding high grade ore. Equal in merit as regards ores or location to the last mentioned mine, are the Lewis Consolidated, Surpriser, Northern King, Silver King South, Bilk, and Mowry mines, all of which are being energetically developed. In addition to the above are the Belcher, Eureka, Webfoot, Union East, Union West, Telegraph, Cedar Tree, James A. Garfield, Silver Queen, Athens, News Letter, Helpmate, Redeemer, London, Orphan Boy, Black Diamond, Emma, Silver Duke, Beebe, Columbia, Silver Belle, Martinez, Santa Maria, Pinal Chief, Blue Bird, Victoria, New Year, and others, which have been more or less developed, and from which good ore has been extracted. At Happy Camp, about three miles from Pinal City, is the Uncle Bill, Augustin, Leon, Lancing, Rockland, Hard Scrabble, etc., which are now being worked and yielding good ore. |
POORMAN’S, YUMA COUNTY Considerable prospecting has been done on the Amelia, and recently the owners have commenced sinking a new shaft four by six feet, on the ledge. It is now down thirty feet, all the way in good ore, with about eighteen inches of fine galena, which will average 100 ounces silver to the ton. The company have erected a boarding-house and blacksmiths' shop and are now prepared to push developments vigorously. The Boston is an adjoining claim, on which a vein of high-grade cerargyrite chloride and argentite sulfide silver ore was recently discovered. The Diamond, a short distance off, is located on a ledge nearly parallel with the Amelia, and thirty feet in width, showing a six-inch vein of very rich ore. Opposite to the Diamond, at a short distance, is the Florence Caton, which has three ledges cropping out of the ground, in places, ten feet in height, and it is claimed that these croppings will all pay. The Luz is the north-east extension of the Diamond; the croppings on this mine rise twenty feet above the mesa, and are thirty feet in thickness. In addition to the above, are the Brilliant, Russell, Myers, Hoodlum, and Thistle Dew, which are said to be valuable locations. SADDLE MOUNTAIN, PINAL
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